Uma prova de que o corvo Edgar existe
05/04/12 01:03
O corvo Edgar, criatura inspirada em Edgar A. Poe, meu escritor preferido, é uma ave agourenta especializada em secar os grandes e favoritos óbvios no futebol.
Tem gente que duvida da sua existência. Nesta madruga, por exemplo, ele não deixa ninguém dormir direito aqui no meu predinho antigo em São Paulo. Está eufórico com a derrota do Flamengo, embora seja parente do urubu, seu primo-pobre.
É que ele seca mesmo os metidos, os times das grandes massas e todos os bajulados pela mídia.
Mas o motivo deste post não é tirar sarro com os rubronegros. É tão-somente apresentar o corvo Edgar à galera. Ele existe.
Como é estrangeiro, nem sei se pode ser pego pela lei seca ou pelo Ibama -algum advogado do ramo me explica?
Ele bebe sim, está grasnando. Melhor morrer de malbec do que de tédio e silêncio.
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I am exploring the Internet as I never have before. I have more time since I reitred. There is quite a rich diversity of information in blogs so I am getting involved and commenting. Your blog is not like most of the blogs that I read on the Internet, and I like the style of what you are presenting here. I am the proud owner of my own website and blog and i get ideas from blogs such as yours. Thank-you. There was a place to include an email and address, so I have done that. Is this acceptable? I hope this is allright. TheVeryBest2You 13 10
I am exploring the Internet as I never have before. I have more time since I reitred. There are a lot of topics on the Internet and I am reading on many of those and commenting. I think that you have to put some attention on a blog to bring it above the dry and boring verbage that is common, and you have definitely accomplished that. I am the proud owner of my own website and blog and i get ideas from blogs such as yours. Thank-you. There was a place to include an email and address, so I have done that. I think it is ok that I incuded them since there seems to be a place to do that. Hope so anyway. TheVeryBest2You 13 9
I am taking the Internet seriously now. I am retired and can dive into it. There are a lot of topics on the Internet and I am reading on many of those and commenting. I think I really appreciate the basics of what you have here in this blog. I am the proud owner of my own website and blog and i get ideas from blogs such as yours. Thank-you. My email and site are included with this post. Is it ok that I included them? TheVeryBest2You 13 13
I am taking the Internet seriously now. I am retired and can dive into it. It seems like there are millions of blogs on the Internet today and the more I read the more I want to comment on them. I don’t understand everything that is in all the blogs that I read, but I like your presentation here in this blog. I am approaching this from all sides, sonce I recently started my own website with its own blog. My email and site are included with this post. I hope you approve that I did this. It seems to be customary so I went ahead with it. TheVeryBest2You 13 9
I am exploring the Internet as I never have before. I have more time since I reitred. I am reading blogs on many topics, and commenting too. I think I really appreciate the basics of what you have here in this blog. I am the proud owner of my own website and blog and i get ideas from blogs such as yours. Thank-you. There was a place to include an email and address, so I have done that. Is this acceptable? I hope this is allright. TheVeryBest2You 13 9
This is the beginning of my Internet Life. I have reitred from the grind. There are a lot of topics on the Internet and I am reading on many of those and commenting. I think I really appreciate the basics of what you have here in this blog. I have started my own blog and website. I put my site and email in the allocated spaces. I think it is ok that I incuded them since there seems to be a place to do that. Hope so anyway. TheVeryBest2You 13 6
This is the beginning of my Internet Life. I have reitred from the grind. I can see that there is a rich diversity in the blogs I am reading and I am trying to leave some comment whereever I visit. I think I really appreciate the basics of what you have here in this blog. I am the proud owner of my own website and blog and i get ideas from blogs such as yours. Thank-you. I have incuded a website and email address. I hope you approve that I did this. It seems to be customary so I went ahead with it. TheVeryBest2You 13 3
I am exploring the Internet as I never have before. I have more time since I reitred. I can see that there is a rich diversity in the blogs I am reading and I am trying to leave some comment whereever I visit. I think I really appreciate the basics of what you have here in this blog. I have started my own blog and website. I put my site and email in the allocated spaces. It seems to be customary to include these so I hope that its ok with you. TheVeryBest2You 13 9
I am just getting started on the Internet. I am retired now. I can see that there is a rich diversity in the blogs I am reading and I am trying to leave some comment whereever I visit. I think that you have to put some attention on a blog to bring it above the dry and boring verbage that is common, and you have definitely accomplished that. I am the proud owner of my own website and blog and i get ideas from blogs such as yours. Thank-you. In the text boxes I have entered my email address and my website URL. I hope you approve that I did this. It seems to be customary so I went ahead with it. TheVeryBest2You 13 9
The Internet is new to me, being that I just retired. There is quite a rich diversity of information in blogs so I am getting involved and commenting. You have made your blog more interesting than most that I read. Thanks for that. I have started my own blog and website. There was a place to include an email and address, so I have done that. It seems to be customary to include these so I hope that its ok with you. TheVeryBest2You 13 14
The Internet is new to me, being that I just retired. I am reading blogs on many topics, and commenting too. You have made your blog more interesting than most that I read. Thanks for that. I am approaching this from all sides, sonce I recently started my own website with its own blog. My email and site are included with this post. Is this acceptable? I hope this is allright. TheVeryBest2You 13 9
I am exploring the Internet as I never have before. I have more time since I reitred. It seems like there are millions of blogs on the Internet today and the more I read the more I want to comment on them. I think I really appreciate the basics of what you have here in this blog. I not only read and comment on the blogs of others but I now have my own blog and my own website. I have incuded a website and email address. I think it is ok that I incuded them since there seems to be a place to do that. Hope so anyway. TheVeryBest2You 13 9
I am taking the Internet seriously now. I am retired and can dive into it. I am reading blogs on many topics, and commenting too. I think I really appreciate the basics of what you have here in this blog. I not only read and comment on the blogs of others but I now have my own blog and my own website. There was a place to include an email and address, so I have done that. I hope you approve that I did this. It seems to be customary so I went ahead with it. TheVeryBest2You 13 12
The Internet is new to me, being that I just retired. I can see that there is a rich diversity in the blogs I am reading and I am trying to leave some comment whereever I visit. I think I really appreciate the basics of what you have here in this blog. I not only read and comment on the blogs of others but I now have my own blog and my own website. In the text boxes I have entered my email address and my website URL. Is this acceptable? I hope this is allright. TheVeryBest2You 13 3
I am taking the Internet seriously now. I am retired and can dive into it. There is quite a rich diversity of information in blogs so I am getting involved and commenting. Your blog is not like most of the blogs that I read on the Internet, and I like the style of what you are presenting here. Well you know I have my own blog and website now. It is fun, to be sure. In the text boxes I have entered my email address and my website URL. Is it ok that I included them? TheVeryBest2You 13 10
This is the beginning of my Internet Life. I have reitred from the grind. There are a lot of topics on the Internet and I am reading on many of those and commenting. I think that you have to put some attention on a blog to bring it above the dry and boring verbage that is common, and you have definitely accomplished that. I am approaching this from all sides, sonce I recently started my own website with its own blog. In the text boxes I have entered my email address and my website URL. Is it ok that I included them? TheVeryBest2You 13 9
This is the beginning of my Internet Life. I have reitred from the grind. There are a lot of topics on the Internet and I am reading on many of those and commenting. Your blog is not like most of the blogs that I read on the Internet, and I like the style of what you are presenting here. I have started my own blog and website. In the text boxes I have entered my email address and my website URL. It seems to be customary to include these so I hope that its ok with you. TheVeryBest2You 13 9
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I am just getting started on the Internet. I am retired now. I can see that there is a rich diversity in the blogs I am reading and I am trying to leave some comment whereever I visit. Your blog is not like most of the blogs that I read on the Internet, and I like the style of what you are presenting here. I am the proud owner of my own website and blog and i get ideas from blogs such as yours. Thank-you. In the text boxes I have entered my email address and my website URL. I hope you approve that I did this. It seems to be customary so I went ahead with it. TheVeryBest2You 13 12
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The Internet is new to me, being that I just retired. There are a lot of topics on the Internet and I am reading on many of those and commenting. Your blog is not like most of the blogs that I read on the Internet, and I like the style of what you are presenting here. I not only read and comment on the blogs of others but I now have my own blog and my own website. In the text boxes I have entered my email address and my website URL. It seems to be customary to include these so I hope that its ok with you. TheVeryBest2You 13 12
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